Saturday, April 11, 2009

Las Cruces Tax Day Tea Party

Here are the details for the Las Cruces Tax Day Tea Party:

April 13 at 7:00 pm
Sign making party at Grace Covenant Church
Bring your own materials.
We will also hash out any last minute details.

April 15 TAX DAY
March begins at 4:30 pm at the Loretto Towne Centre

The March will proceed down Church Street to Johnson Park by Brannigan Library.

Rally starts at 6:00 pm at Johnson Park followed by a Taxpayer's "Bawl" with music, dancing and food.

March Rules

Stay on the sidewalks
Obey all laws
Pick up your trash, if any.
Do not react to hostile counter-protesters.

Tickets for the "po' folks" meal will be sold for $5 each.


  1. Tea Party gear can be found at

  2. How did your tea party turn out? I was at the Santa Fe tea party, and considering how liberal Santa Fe is, turnout was great. Just found your blog through a link in the story at the New Mexico Indpedent, where I write a Tuesday column.
