Saturday, February 10, 2007

Great Movies!

We rented two fabulous movies this weekend, movies that we would not be ashamed to recommend to our parents or allow our teenagers to watch.

The first was Flyboys. This film is based on a true story about American Expatriates fighting with the French against the German Army in World War I as combat aviators. It highlighted the dedication and bravery of these men, and showed how they overcame their fear, difficult backgrounds, and racism. They became a highly decorated team of airmen who contributed to the fight against the proto-fascist German regime under Kaiser Wilhelm. This is a film about honor, courage, and fighting for what is right despite the frailties of humanity. No sex scenes, no bad language - only the best of human character values in this film. They were not afraid to show the horrors of war, either. The aerial combat scenes (dogfighting) were highly realistic.

The second movie we viewed was Luther. Although we don't get excited about "religious" movies, this one was different. Splendidly set in the real setting of Wittenburg and Worms and other German locations, the realistic costumes and sets are alone worth watching this film........
Ah, but the story line! Luther is shown as intelligent and sensitive. His compassion is his secret weapon. It went in the hearts and minds of not just the German people, but went toward changing the political mindset that we can think about ourselves, and that we can read the Bible in our own Language and make up our minds for ourselves. The corruption of the church at that time was such that people were manipulated into giving their meager cash and resources under the pretense of gaining heavenly favor, when in truth the money was going to build sumptuous accommodations for the pope and lavish houses of worship in Rome. Watch this film to see how deftly Luther deals with the spiritual and political intrigues that seek to hand his life over to the inquisitors. Note also, the bravery of Prince Frederick of Worms and the courage of the minor princes who stood up to the Holy Roman Emperor in order to transfer political power from the corrupted church officials and give it back to the people.

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